Showing posts with label small oil painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small oil painting. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Single Peter" (SOLD)

"Single Peter" by Sandra Galda
4"x6" oil on canvas board
About six years ago my daughter caught a wild baby bunny in our vegetable garden and we let her keep it.  It only became mildly tame and when it got loose in the house it  could really run fast. Of course she named it, yes, you guessed, "Peter."    I have been busy with larger work too, will post when it is further along.  If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Sliced Pepper"

"Sliced Pepper" by Sandra Galda
5"x7" oil on gesso board

If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Peter's Letter"

"Peter's Letter" by Sandra Galda
5"x7" oil on gessoboard
More of my figurines! If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Comfort Food" (SOLD)

"Comfort Food" by Sandra Galda (SOLD)
8"x6" oil on stretched canvas

When things do not go as one hopes, comfort food is required!  If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Crayon Daisy"

"Crayon Daisy" by Sandra Galda
6"x6" oil on gessoboard

Some of these daisies must have come directly from a crayon box, their color is so vivid :) If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Oranges and Blue Bowl"

Oranges and Blue Bowl by Sandra Galda (finished)
5"x7" oil on gessobord

I put another hour into this one and I think I am ready to move on to the next painting. It is enjoyable to take these daily painting exercises to a more refined level now and then. If interested in purchasing this or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Oranges and Blue Bowl"

"Oranges and Blue Bowl" by Sandra Galda
5"x7" oil on gessoboard

This is one of the set of Pottery Barn bowls from a garage sale last summer that I enjoy using for still lifes. Just to see what I could produce in one half hour ---I set the timer. A fun exercise. I may go back in later today and put more work on the piece. If interested in purchasing this or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Get a Grip"

Get a Grip by Sandra Galda
6"x6" oil on raymar

The idea to paint a stack of cups has its influence from some recent work from artist Carol Marine, who I loooooove. I am excited to be enrolled in one of her workshops again this coming year! I have not posted too much lately due to commission work. If interested in purchasing this or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Spotlight on Baseball" by Sandra Galda SOLD

"Spotlight on Baseball" by Sandra Galda
8"x10" oil on gessoboard
commission: SOLD

Such fun to paint this one. The owner wanted a very limited palette and specified this arrangement! Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Masquerade by Sandra Galda

Masquerade by Sandra Galda
4"x4" oil on gessoboard

So fun. My kids enjoyed this one. My whole family just loves the Marx Brothers....this mask makes you look and even act, like Grocho Marx.... If interested in purchasing contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cup O'Lantern

Cup O'Lantern by Sandra Galda
4"x4" oil on gessobaord

 I am back to painting after a really nice weekend with family! If interested in purchasing contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bottle and Pear (NA)

Bottle and Pear by Sandra Galda (NA)
4"x4" oil on gesso board

This is one of several pears that have been modeling for a larger still life I am painting. If interested in purchasing contact my email address or use the PayPal button below. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Late Summer Rose (SOLD)

Late Summer Rose by Sandra Galda (sold)
4"x4" oil on gessoboard
Sorry I caught the clip in this evening painting, hope to show a better exposure photo tomorrow without the clip! This is one of the only roses blooming in our late summer yard. We did not get lush flower growth this year because of all the rainfall. I have hopes for next summer and I am thinking extra doses of miracle grow.... If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Matches (NA)

Matches by Sandra Galda
4"x6" oil on canvas board
This was fun to paint. If interested in purchasing, contact my email address or use PayPal button below. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yellow Daisy with Granny

Yellow Daisy with Granny by Sandra Galda
5x7 oil

I am glad to get in some practice today! If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August Daisy

August Daisy by Sandra Galda
6"x6" oil on Ray mar board

My daughter said, "I see you are painting one of my daisies!" She has a number of things she would like me to paint and her dasies are a fav of hers. She is also waiting for me to paint a Jones soda pop she has set aside for me.... If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Two Against One SOLD

Two Against One by Sandra Galda
4"x4" oil on gesso board
I love the acid green with the burgandy reds in this image! If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fragrance Sample

Fragrance Sample by Sandra Galda
6"x6" oil on Raymor

If you have been visiting this blog you probably already know roses are my favorite flower. This little orangy/red tea rose puts out the best fragrance of all the roses in my yard! I wish my cologne smelled like this....does anyone know of a really good rose perfume? If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Snackin' (NA)

Summer Snackin' by Sandra Galda
4"x4" oil on gessobord

Nothing like some fresh fruit in summer! If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fruited Amenity

Fruited Amenity by Sandra Galda
6"x6" oil on Raymor

Some just seem to have it soft! If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.