Showing posts with label cast bust exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cast bust exercise. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Cast and Pear" SOLD

"Cast and Pear" by Sandra Galda
6"x8" oil on wrap-around canvas

This one sold today, below are paintings also gone this week. I will post others for sale for the holiday soon check back :)  Thanks for looking!  If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. All works priced and sold without framing unless by special arrangement with buyer. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

 "Strawberry Social" by Sandra Galda 
6x6 inch
"Eighty Calories" by Sandra Galda
6x6 inch
"Avocado" by Sandra Galda
6x6 inch

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Updates: Running cast exercise and "Roses in Silver Vase"

Update: in process "Roses in Silver Vase" by Sandra Galda
16"x20" oil on gessoboard



Update: in process Running Cast drawing exercise by Sandra Galda

Both of these images require extended time to complete, a different experience all together from the daily small paintings I usually post.  I love both approaches! I am in the really fun finishing stages in the oil painting and the cast drawing above ! If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In process: Running Cast drawing exercise

In Process: "Running Cast" drawing exercise by Sandra Galda

Here is today's work on the running cast project.  More to do on this one, I am learning lots!  I stand on a taped on "X" on the floor and wear a dedicated pair of shoes that stay in the studio so I can stand in the exact spot and exact height, stare at the cast, then walk up to the paper and draw.  Repeat almost endlessly,try to reprduce image perfectly......  If interested in purchasing any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Friday, February 11, 2011

In process: running cast bust drawing exercise

 In process: running cast bust drawing exercise by Sandra Galda

Here is the current project!  It is a traditional atelier vine charcoal study, copying as exactly as possible the figure. I have been sick so have not painted much.   If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Friday, December 3, 2010

"finished" Beethoven

Studio cast bust drawing "finished" by Sandra Galda
18x24 inches approx.  charcoal on Canson paper

When I say "finished"  what I mean is-- in the studio lessons I am taking this is as far as I am going to go with this cast bust exercise...I have learned lots in the area of duplicating what I see as exactly as possible.   I am starting a new drawing now and hope to be learning even more in the way of drawing what I see! If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Vegetable Harvest"

"Vegetable Harvest" by Sandra Galda
approx. 5"x7" green pencil on paper (sold with 8"x10" frame with mat)

A picture of my current cast bust drawing exercise at the Ingbretson Studio.  Much of my art time is all about drawing now.  If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Monday, April 26, 2010

In Process work: "Hold On"

In Process: "Hold On" by Sandra Galda
16"x20" oil on stretched canvas

In Process:  "Neff Cast Bust" by Sandra Galda
18"x24" approx. Charcoal onCanson paper

In process work today.  The phone cord is challenging to paint.  There is more cord yet to paint on this one. I love to paint but the drawing exercises are the priority right now.  This "Neff cast bust" has extreme angles!  If interested in purchasing this or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

exercise in cast bust drawing


Cast Bust exercise by Sandra Galda
18"x24" approx. charcoal on Canson paper

Above is the end product of an exercise in cast bust drawing. On the top is the drawing before I took it home to spray. Below is the drawing under better lighting and after some adjustments after a little too much wind on the thing on the way home! Charcoal is a messy medium to work with. I will start another cast bust soon. The exercise of getting an image relationally accurate in your drawing helps you to SEE better. Below is the set up at the studio, so you can see how I must work from a distance, then walk up to the paper and draw what I see, then repeat the process...over and over again.

If interested in purchasing any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!