Showing posts with label figures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label figures. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Some Recent Work

 "After Michelangelo's Creation of Adam" by Sandra Galda
16"x20" oil on canvas

 "Desire the Pure Milk of the Word" by Sandra Galda
16"x20" oil on canvas

Two 8"x8" oils

 "Matthew 28:19-20" by Sandra Galda
16x30 inch oil on canvas

These are a few of the paintings I put in our neighborhood art show.  If interested in purchasing any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. All works priced and sold without framing unless by special arrangement with buyer. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Studio Exercises

 Color Notes Exercise 5-2-11

 Still life set up for Color Notes Exercise

 Brown Paper Value Study of still life

 Second Full Value Figure Study by Sandra Galda
(unfinished, 2.5 days, 2 hour sessions)

First Full Value Figure Study by Sandra Galda
March 2011 (somewhat finished)

Here is some of the exercises I am currently busy with at Ingbretson Studios.  Paul's brushwork is evident in the colorful study at top, he took my brush and generously worked some on this one for my instruction. I will save it as a good example for my records of a "start."  The aim is to "hit the color notes" in the still life as accurately as possible and only roughly indicate the shapes of the items.  I have painted since childhood, but today is my very first day to pick up paint and paint in this studio!  I have been training in the Boston Style of fine art for the past 3 semesters. Even though I have not been busy with my own painting very much since March due to  a fractured wrist (rollerskating with our daughter and her classmates), I can do some artwork--but it does make my wrist hurt after a while.  If interested in purchasing this, or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use the PayPal button if included in the post. Small works are signed in full on the back of the painting. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Monday, May 17, 2010

"Figure Two"

"Figure Two" by Sandra Galda
Charcoal on Canson paper

I went to a figure drawing session tonight. This drawing was done in two twenty minute sections.  Good practice! If interested in purchasing this or any of my available art on this blog, contact my email address or use PayPal button if included in this post. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Minute Figure Sketches

Minute figure sketches by Sandra Galda
4"x6" graphite on paper

I sketch each week, pencil drawing is probably my favorite media besides oil painting. Just a few sketches today because I am working on another bigger painting and didnt get to take a picture of it tonight in time to post. If interested in purchasing contact my email address Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyright.