Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Sketch of Madame X"

"Sketch of Madame X" by Sandra Galda
I am posting a sketch of Sargent's work I drew quickly while standing before it in NYC a while ago. Lately, I have been doing serious drawing that in contrast has me working much slower, using things like plumb lines to check my work. Thanks for looking, tell me what you think-leave a comment! Paintings by Sandra Galda are copyrighted. Scroll down this page for more art!


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

You NAILED it. I do believe in plumb lines, etc. - you can be as expressive as you want AFTER you get it right! ;) Love the sketching - it's like exercising, right? Only more fun.

Sandra Galda said...

Hi Kelly, you are so right! This drawing was done without such aid...but it did take a while to get those angles on the face close to would have been easier with a plumb line...I aught to keep one in my purse just in case....

Karen Bruson said...

Drawing is so important. This looks right on.
And, thanks, its great to be back.